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Dr. Afrooz, Ali, Ph.D.


He graduated magna-cum-laude in February 1972. Receiving scholarship from the University of Tehran, he pursued his studies abroad. By mid-March 1973 he received his master's degree in Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children, summa-cum-laude, from Michigan State University. Later he became the first Iranian to be awarded a PhD, in this field from that prestigious institution. By 1978, he was back at the University of Tehran working as a faculty member.

He received his tenure as full professor in 1992. In 1994 he was voted as the distinguished professor among his colleagues in Iranian universities. His efforts in preparing Tehran-Stanford-Benet Intelligence Test Scale resulted in receiving the International Khawrazmi Award in Science in 1995. In 1996 he was attained the distinction of Enduring Figure in the Iranian Psychology. In 2007, the World Health Organization recognized his relentless research efforts on Children afflicted with Down syndrome and awarded him with a medal of distinction.

Dr. Afrooz was also the first to receive recognition as Distinguished Professor from University of Tehran. To date, he has authored fifty-three books some of which having been translated into English, Arabic, and Urdu. He has also authored over 250 papers on the scientific and cultural aspects of psychology and education. He has actively participated in numerous National and International Conferences as key speaker. He is also member of various academic scientific societies both in Iran and Abroad.

Dr. Afrooz has also held several key executive positions since early 1980's. These include directorship of National Gifted and Talented Organization of Iran, acting minister of education at Parents and Teachers Organization, founder and president of the Special Education Organization of Iran, and the Chancellor of University of Tehran. For the last eight years, He was the Dean of Faculty of Psychology and Education at the University of Tehran and the President of Psychology and Counseling Organization of Islamic Republic of Iran .



Religious psychology and its implications for counseling psychology

Religious psychology has been the source of counseling for psychologists who openly consider religious epistemology and religious ontology as the underlying component of their diagnosis and assessment. This presentation highlights the role of religious psychology in Iran and explicates how religious psychology has been an ongoing source of inspiration and illumination for those working in numerous areas of therapeutic counseling. The role of religion in prescribing approaches or strategies can be well discussed in the framework of cultural contexts and the presentation enumerates examples and cases that can delineate the implications of religious psychology for counseling and clinical psychology.